Jordan Craft

Jordan Craft is from Mason County, West Virginia. He graduated from Hannan High School, where Zachary Jenkins and Angela Holley mentored him through the Marshall University Heart of Appalachia Talent Search (HATS) Program. For as long as he could remember, throughout high school, he had no clue what he would do after graduation.

After joining Talent Search, he received academic, financial, career, and personal counseling. After graduating, he attended Mountwest Community & Technical College (MCTC) in Huntington, West Virginia, to earn an Associate’s Degree in Graphic Design.

Jordan earned his degree at Mountwest Community and Technical College and planned to enroll at Marshall University to earn a degree in graphic design. Without Talent Search and the opportunities it provides, like scholarships, filling out college applications, college tours, and overall becoming a family to him, he does not think he would be where he is today. He is grateful for the people and opportunities they gave him and his classmates.